these sepia-colored glasses that i'm looking through are giving me a headache
crazy to see new york the way our parents did before color tv HAHA GOTTEM
Four score and seven years ago (April 2018 idk what four score and seven years ago means), I was in a hostel in Barcelona during my abroad semester. There, I met a friendly Kiwi named Matt Epps visiting from his semester in England. We only chatted for one night at a stock bar — the drink prices change like the stock market … very dumb — and never thought we’d see each other again. But since then, we’ve kept in touch — texting, FaceTiming, reading articles and listening to music we sent each other — hoping to one day meet in person again. And wouldn’t you know it: five years later I mean four score and seven years later, we have finally reunited.
How cuckoo bananas is that? To meet someone for one night and then live through a pandemic and somehow keep in touch and become good friends and then now we’re both in New York and I’m forcing him and his girlfriend to do a photo shoot for my portfolio and it’s very hard to tell if they actually wanted to do that but it’s already finished so it doesn’t matter! Pretty cool.
I think the fact that we kept in touch by FaceTiming every couple of months since senior year of college has made this trip feel very normal. When Matt was almost here, my mom said, “What if he’s fake? And you’ve been talking to a stranger this whole time?” to which I replied, “Mom, you’ve met him on FaceTime.” to which she did not reply. Anyway, spoiler alert: he was real. It’s always fun to have friends meet friends, too. It creates a full-circle moment. A circle of life. Wait, no, not that.
Made those two photos very small because it’s not necessary for any of you to see how much we all needed to be drinking water and weren’t.
To show a friend all of the sights that you’ve been mentioning for a while and take them to get dumplings where you always get dumplings or a beer where you always get a beer:
Making sure people not living in New York know that we do, in fact, have trees here:
Being able to show a friend all of these things that have to do with your everyday life can be so nice. And now it feels like it won’t take five more years to see each other again. Well, unless the wildfires make New York and my lungs sepia-colored forever.
I’ve been reading that the air quality and all of the smoke and particles attached to it are potentially gonna cause long-term effects on our bodies. So weird to be wearing masks outside instead of inside.
I think the only thing that gets me through huge, traumatic (traumatic is being used very lightly for this specific event) things that happen all the time now is Twitter. Twitter can be the worst thing in the entire world and make you never wanna look at your phone ever again, but it can also do something like this:
Comedy is the only thing that can get us through life. And the Mission Impossible franchise*
*I don’t actually mean this but Scientologist Tom Cruise got so mad the other day because Barbie and Oppenheimer have apparently taken up all of the IMAX theaters for their opening weekend and he is moping because that means there are no IMAX theaters for his 37th Mission Impossible movie and he wants one of the two of those movies to give up their spot. I enjoy him being a tiny lil moper, but I am also afraid of the power he has in the Scientology religion.
Yesterday, someone told me that I give off “knowing magic tricks” energy. Do we agree?
Anyway, I’ll be thinking about this until I turn 27. That’s when personality traits STICK. This poll outcome will change the rest of my life.
June is Gay Pride Month, which I actually like to call: The Second Most Capitalist Month of the Year Right After December or TSMCMOTYRAD. Here’s how to pronounce that:
I call it TSMCMOTYRAD because companies and corporations love to make themed things for customers to buy in solidarity, but JUST for the month. Here’s a great example:
If you purchase the Pride Signature Ventra Card, the CTA will be a safe space and love will win!!!! Love that. This feels as prideful as the behind-the-scenes of Ellen DeGeneres’s talk show. And you know they won’t be selling this on July 1st.
I don’t have much else to discuss right now. As I keep saying each week, I haven’t been getting as much comfortable sleep as I’d like (might need new pillows I dunno I’m not a scientist and I don’t know any magic tricks), so I’m trying to figure out the next best week where I can sleep a lot of time. I checked my calendar, and it looks like the next week where I can do this is the week of June 16, 2024. Counting down the days!
If anyone is looking for any photo shoots this month, please let me know as I am available to take them and make you a latte during! Or money. I’ll give you money to let me take the photos. Ok, no, that’s not true I need you to give me money for that. Anyway, here are a few new photos on the newest backdrop color bone. It may look like the color of your bones, but I will tell you that it is not the color of my bones since I was once on Accutane and now my bones are mint green. Just something for everyone to know.
G’bye, Matt Epps! Thanks for the visit I’ll see you in four score and seven years :)